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    Change Log

  • Event Reference

    ZingChart provides a rich API for controlling chart characteristics such as re-rendering a plot (reload), loading new data (setseriesdata), modifying existing charts (modifyplot), zooming in on a data range (zoomto), toggling various interactive features (togglelegend), and much more.

    Global Chart Listeners

    There are 4 methods used to configure chart event-listeners.


    This method will bind an event to a specific chart after it has rendered.

    zingchart.bind('chartId', 'load', function() {
      // Do something for single chart

    By defining a null value for chartId, this will be the event to all charts on the page.

    zingchart.bind(null, 'load', function(e) {
      // Do something for ALL charts on page
      switch(e.id) {
        case 'chartId1':
          // Do something
        case 'chartId2':
          // Do something else
        case 'chartId3':
          // Reticulate splines
    Attribute Type Info
    eventName String

    The name of the event.

    "load" | "complete" | ...

    handler Function

    Handler fired when the event takes place.

    function(params) {...}

    id String

    The ID of the chart or null if event is bound to all the charts in a page.

    "mydiv" | null | ...


    This method binds a list of events to an object at the time of the render. This is especially helpful when working in frameworks so you can keep all your code in one concise place.

      id: 'chartId',
      data: chartData,
      events: {
        load: function(p) {
          // Do something


    This method will listen for the specified event across all charts in a page. To execute different functions across each chart, set up a switch that uses the chart’s returned id as the expression for the switch:

    zingchart.load = function(e) {
      switch (e.id) {
        case 'chartId1':
          // Do something
        case 'chartId2':
          // Do something else
        case 'chartId3':
          // Reticulate splines


    This method will unbind an event that was bound using .bind().

    zingchart.bind('chartId', 'bind', customFunction);
    zingchart.unbind('chartId', 'load', customFunction);

    You cannot use unbind on anonymous functions, and unbind will not take a function definition as a parameter like bind will. You must pass the same function name as the third parameter for bind and unbind to work. Be careful when using bind and unbind!



    Dispatches when the animation ends.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the animation starts.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches on every step of the animation, for every plot/node.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node
    stageNumberThe "position" in the animation timeline. It starts from 0 and ends at 1, but for several animation methods, intermediate values can exceed 1.
    valueNumberThe node value



    Dispatches at the end of data-dragging action.

    Parameter Type Description
    dataDraggingBooleanWhether dragging is enabled.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node.
    scaletextStringThe label of the scale.
    scalevalNumberThe value of the scale.
    textStringThe node value.
    stageNumberThe "position" in the animation timeline. It starts from 0 and ends at 1, but for several animation methods, intermediate values can exceed 1.
    zingchart.plugins.dragging.update.typeStringDrag update type.
    zingchart.plugins.dragging.update.valueNumberDrag update value.


    Dispatches on every drag update.

    Parameter Type Description
    dataDraggingBooleanWhether dragging is enabled.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node.
    scaletextStringThe label of the scale.
    scalevalNumberThe value of the scale.
    textStringThe node value.
    stageNumberThe "position" in the animation timeline. It starts from 0 and ends at 1, but for several animation methods, intermediate values can exceed 1.
    zingchart.plugins.dragging.update.typeStringDrag update type.
    zingchart.plugins.dragging.update.valueNumberDrag update value.



    Dispatches when the user exports the graph data.
    Introduced in: v2.8.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.



    Dispatches after the destroy API method is called, before the chart is destroyed
    Introduced in: v1.2.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    loaderObjectThe chart loader information


    Dispatches every time a graphset is completely rendered, even on API calls that require chart repaint.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when data is loaded to the ZingChart object

    Parameter Type Description
    dataObjectThe new plot data
    plotindexNumberThe index of the new plot
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object containing the plot
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the data is available for the chart, prior to parsing routines. Useful for changing/adding elements into the data.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the data is ready to be parsed.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches after the destroy API method is called, after the chart is destroyed
    Introduced in: v1.2.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches on an API error

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    errorObjectThe error that occured.
    sectionStringContains a short description of the main code section/routine which generated the error.
    jsonObjectThe full chart JSON at the time of the error.


    Dispatches every time each graph from the graphset is completely rendered, even on API calls that require chart repaint.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object
    heightNumberThe height of the graph
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object
    loaderObjectObject containing graphset information
    widthNumberThe width of the graph
    xNumberThe x position of the graph
    yNumberThe y position of the graph


    Dispatches only the first time each graph from the graphset is completely rendered.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object
    heightNumberThe height of the graph
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object
    loaderObjectObject containing graphset information
    widthNumberThe width of the graph
    xNumberThe x position of the graph
    yNumberThe y position of the graph


    Dispatches only the first time the graphset is completely rendered. Subsequent chart reloads will not fire this event.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when ZingChart is modified via the modify API call.

    Parameter Type Description
    dataObjectThe new configuration data
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    objectStringThe object to modify, if specified in the modify API call.


    Dispatches when loaded modules are ready for use.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the chart is reloaded.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the chart is rendered.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches on chart resize.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the setdata API function is called.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    dataObjectThe new configuration data



    Dispatches when the guide position changes.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    itemsArray.<any>Array of objects representing plot and node information for the guide position with the following keys: plotindex, nodeindex, value, text.


    Dispatches when the mouse leaves the chart

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    itemsArray.<any>Array of objects representing plot and node information for the guide position with the following keys: plotindex, nodeindex, value, text.



    Dispatches when the user backs through history.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    indexNumberThe index in history that the user is at


    Dispatches when the user goes forward through history.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    indexNumberThe index in history that the user is at



    Dispatches when a user moves a mouse over a heatmap
    Introduced in: v2.8.6

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph.
    evObjectThe event.
    xNumberThe x location of the mouse
    yNumberThe y location of the mouse
    valueNumberThe value of the heatmap at the mouse location

    Dispatches when a menu item is clicked from within the context-menu.

    Parameter Type Description
    eventObjectThe click event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    menuitemidStringThe id of the menu item being clicked
    targetidStringThe id of the DOM element being clicked
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.
    xNumberThe x position of the click relative tto the chart position.
    yNumberThe y position of the click relative tto the chart position.


    Triggers a mouseheel event whenever the mouse wheel is activated over a chart zone.

    Parameter Type Description
    dataObjectThe new plot data
    plotindexNumberThe index of the new plot
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object containing the plot
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Triggers a swipe event, applicable only on touch devices.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.



    Dispatches when the user clicks on a label.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    labelidStringThe id of the label (if any).
    labelindexNumberThe index of the label in the labels collection.


    Dispatches when the user double clicks on a label.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    labelidStringThe id of the label (if any).
    labelindexNumberThe index of the label in the labels collection.


    Dispatches when the user clicks the mouse down on a label.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    labelidStringThe id of the label (if any).
    labelindexNumberThe index of the label in the labels collection.


    Dispatches when the mouse moves over the label

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    labelidStringThe id of the label (if any).
    labelindexNumberThe index of the label in the labels collection.


    Dispatches when the user moves the mouse away from a label.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    labelidStringThe id of the label (if any).
    labelindexNumberThe index of the label in the labels collection.


    Dispatches when the user places the mouse over a label.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    labelidStringThe id of the label (if any).
    labelindexNumberThe index of the label in the labels collection.


    Dispatches when the user clicks the mouse up on a label.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    labelidStringThe id of the label (if any).
    labelindexNumberThe index of the label in the labels collection.



    Dispatches when the legend is minimized.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the legend
    graphidxNumberThe index of the graph
    graphidStringThe id of the graph
    xNumberThe x position of the graph
    yNumberThe y position of the graph
    widthNumberThe width of the graph
    heightNumberThe height of the graph
    loaderObjectLoader information of the graph


    Dispatches when a legend item is clicked.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe id of the plot (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot (if any).
    visibleBooleanThe status of the legend item before the click.
    xdataObjectThe collection of extra data associated with the plot via data-XXX attributes.


    Dispatches when a legend marker is clicked.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe id of the plot (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot (if any).
    visibleBooleanThe status of the legend item before the click.
    xdataObjectThe collection of extra data associated with the plot via data-XXX attributes.


    Dispatches when the legend is maximized.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the legend
    graphidxNumberThe index of the graph
    graphidStringThe id of the graph
    xNumberThe x position of the graph
    yNumberThe y position of the graph
    widthNumberThe width of the graph
    heightNumberThe height of the graph
    loaderObjectLoader information of the graph


    Dispatches when the legend is minimized.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the legend
    graphidxNumberThe index of the graph
    graphidStringThe id of the graph
    xNumberThe x position of the graph
    yNumberThe y position of the graph
    widthNumberThe width of the graph
    heightNumberThe height of the graph
    loaderObjectLoader information of the graph


    Dispatches when a legend is moused out.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe id of the plot (if any).
    plotinfoObjectInformation about the plot.


    Dispatches when a legend is moused over.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe id of the plot (if any).
    plotinfoObjectInformation about the plot.


    Dispatches when the legend is maximized.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the legend
    graphidxNumberThe index of the graph
    graphidStringThe id of the graph
    xNumberThe x position of the graph
    yNumberThe y position of the graph
    widthNumberThe width of the graph
    heightNumberThe height of the graph
    loaderObjectLoader information of the graph



    Dispatches when the user adds a node.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe node's key value.
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node.
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot the node was added to.
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.


    Dispatches when the user clicks a node.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe scale key of the node position
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user double clicks a node.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe scale key of the node position
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user mouses down on a node

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe scale key of the node position
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user moves out from a node.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe scale key of the node position
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user places the mouse over a node.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe scale key of the node position
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user mouses up on a node.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe scale key of the node position
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user removes a node.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    keyanyThe node's key value.
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node.
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot the node was added to.
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.
    valueNumberThe node value.


    Dispatches when the user sets a node using the setnodevalue API call.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot the node was set on.
    nodeindexNumberThe index of the node.
    keyanyThe node's key value.
    valueNumberThe node value.
    textStringThe string representation of the node value.



    Dispatches when a plot is added to the graph.

    Parameter Type Description
    dataObjectThe new plot data
    plotindexNumberThe index of the new plot
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object containing the plot
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the user clicks a plot.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.
    plottextStringThe text of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user double clicks a plot.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when a plot is modified.

    Parameter Type Description
    dataObjectThe new configuration data
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    plotindexNumberThe index of the modified plot.


    Dispatches when the user moves out from a plot.
    Introduced in: vundefined

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when the user mouses up on a plot

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    plotidStringThe ID of the plot object (if any).
    plotindexNumberThe index of the plot.


    Dispatches when a plot is removed from the graph.

    Parameter Type Description
    plotindexNumberThe index of the removed plot
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object containing the plot
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.



    Dispatches when the feed is cleared.
    Introduced in: v1.18.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidxNumberThe graph index.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph.
    xNumberThe x position of the graph.
    yNumberThe y position of the graph.
    widthNumberThe width of the graph.
    heightNumberThe height of the graph.
    loaderObjectAdditional graph loader information


    Dispatches when the feed interval is modified.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidxNumberThe graph index.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph.
    xNumberThe x position of the graph.
    yNumberThe y position of the graph.
    widthNumberThe width of the graph.
    heightNumberThe height of the graph.
    loaderObjectAdditional graph loader information
    intervalNumberThe new feed interval.


    Dispatches when the feed starts.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidxNumberThe graph index.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph.
    xNumberThe x position of the graph.
    yNumberThe y position of the graph.
    widthNumberThe width of the graph.
    heightNumberThe height of the graph.
    loaderObjectAdditional graph loader information


    Dispatches on every step of the feed.

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidxNumberThe graph index.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph.
    xNumberThe x position of the graph.
    yNumberThe y position of the graph.
    widthNumberThe width of the graph.
    heightNumberThe height of the graph.
    loaderObjectAdditional graph loader information


    Dispatches when the feed stops.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidxNumberThe graph index.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph.
    xNumberThe x position of the graph.
    yNumberThe y position of the graph.
    widthNumberThe width of the graph.
    heightNumberThe height of the graph.
    loaderObjectAdditional graph loader information



    Fires before the selection is made
    Introduced in: v2.5.0

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe mouse event
    graphidStringThe id of the graph
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object
    nodesArray.<any>The selected node objects
    plotareaBooleanSpecifies whether the selection was performed inside plotarea.
    selectionArray.<any>The selected node indices by plot
    touchBooleanSpecifies whether the environment is touch based.


    Dispatches when the user mouses up after selection
    Introduced in: v2.5.0

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe mouse event
    graphidStringThe id of the graph
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object
    polyArray.<Number>List of [x,y] points of the selection tool.


    Fires when a selection is set
    Introduced in: v2.5.0

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe mouse event
    graphidStringThe id of the graph
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object
    nodesArray.<any>The selected node objects
    plotareaBooleanSpecifies whether the selection was performed inside plotarea.
    selectionArray.<any>The selected node indices by plot
    touchBooleanSpecifies whether the environment is touch based.



    Dispatches when the user clicks on a shape.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    shapeidStringThe id of the shape (if any).
    shapeindexNumberThe index of the shape in the shapes collection.


    Dispatches when the user double clicks on a shape.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    shapeidStringThe id of the shape (if any).
    shapeindexNumberThe index of the shape in the shapes collection.


    Dispatches when the user clicks down on a shape.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    shapeidStringThe id of the shape (if any).
    shapeindexNumberThe index of the shape in the shapes collection.



    Dispatches when the About Screen is closed.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the About Screen is displayed.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.



    Dispatches before the chart is zoomed. Can completely stop zooming operation if event handler returns false
    Introduced in: v2.8.9

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    graphidStringThe id of the graph object.
    evObjectThe event.


    This event fires whenever the user moves the mouse over a shape.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    shapeidStringThe id of the shape (if any).
    shapeindexNumberThe index of the shape in the shapes collection.



    Dispatches when the user moves the mouse away from a shape.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    shapeidStringThe id of the shape (if any).
    shapeindexNumberThe index of the shape in the shapes collection.


    Dispatches when the user mouses over on a shape.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    shapeidStringThe id of the shape (if any).
    shapeindexNumberThe index of the shape in the shapes collection.


    Dispatches when the user clicks up on a shape.

    Parameter Type Description
    evObjectThe event object, containing other possibly valuable data.
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    shapeidStringThe id of the shape (if any).
    shapeindexNumberThe index of the shape in the shapes collection.



    Dispatches when the source is hidden.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.


    Dispatches when the source is displayed.
    Introduced in: v2.1.0

    Parameter Type Description
    idStringThe id of the ZingChart object.
    heightNumberThe height of the ZingChart object.
    outputStringThe render output of the zingchart object; one of: "svg", "canvas", "vml"
    widthNumberThe width of the ZingChart object.



    Dispatches when a map is zoomed in/out on.

    Parameter Type Description
    bboxObjectBounding box of the graph
    graphinfoObjectThe chart JSON
    groupsArrayAny set map groups
    heightNumberHeight of the chart
    idStringID of the map
    ignoreArrayAny set ignored regions
    itemsArrayMap items
    loaderidStringThe id of the chart element
    offsetXNumberPanning offset in the x direction
    offsetYNumberPanning offset in the y direction
    panningBooleanWhether panning is enabled
    scrollingBooleanWhether scrolling is enabled
    widthNumberWidth of the chart
    xNumberX position
    yNumberY position
    zoomNumberThe zoom level
    zoomingNumberWhether zooming is enabled


    Dispatches after a zoom event is completed.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    actionStringThe type of zoom action: "zoomin", "zoomout", or "viewall"
    kmaxNumberSpecifies the key scale value corresponding to the end position on x axis.
    kminNumberSpecifies the key scale value corresponding to the start position on x axis.
    xmaxNumberSpecifies the end position on x axis.
    xminNumberSpecifies the start position on x axis.
    ymaxNumberSpecifies the end position on y axis.
    yminNumberSpecifies the start position on y axis.
    zoomxBooleanSpecifies if the zoom was performed on x axis.
    zoomyBooleanSpecifies if the zoom was performed on y axis.
    xZoomedBooleanSpecifies if the x axis is zoomed at the time of the event.
    yZoomedBooleanSpecifies if the y axis is zoomed at the time of the event.


    Dispatches when a zoom event occurs.

    Parameter Type Description
    graphidStringThe ID of the graph object.
    idStringThe ID of the ZingChart object.
    actionStringThe type of zoom action: "zoomin", "zoomout", or "viewall"
    kmaxNumberSpecifies the key scale value corresponding to the end position on x axis.
    kminNumberSpecifies the key scale value corresponding to the start position on x axis.
    xmaxNumberSpecifies the end position on x axis.
    xminNumberSpecifies the start position on x axis.
    ymaxNumberSpecifies the end position on y axis.
    yminNumberSpecifies the start position on y axis.
    zoomxBooleanSpecifies if the zoom was performed on x axis.
    zoomyBooleanSpecifies if the zoom was performed on y axis.
    xZoomedBooleanSpecifies if the x axis is zoomed at the time of the event.
    yZoomedBooleanSpecifies if the y axis is zoomed at the time of the event.