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  • Titles

    Chart Titles


    ZingChart allows you to use chart titles and subtitles to personalize your data visualizations. The "source" object also allows you to quickly add a data source to your chart.


    A title adds a header in a prominent location on your chart. Many of the standard ZingChart attributes can be used to style and position the title's text and background.


    The first step to adding a title is to add the "title" object.

    title: { }

    At the minimum, you will need to add the "text" attribute to your "title" object.

    title: {
      text: 'My Title'

    Title Styling and Positioning

    Many of the standard styling and positioning attributes can be applied to modify the title object. For example, we can use "padding", "offset-x", "offset-y", height, and width attributes to move and resize the title. We can also change various font attributes, as well as the appearance of the title object.

    title: {
      text: 'My Title',
      width: '150px',
      height: '30px',
      offsetX: '10px',
      offsetY: '10px',
      backgroundColor: '#333',
      color: '#FFF',
      borderRadius: '4px',
      fontWeight: 'none'

    To see all title attributes, visit our JSON Syntax page.


    A subtitle is used to provide additional information to supplement your chart's title. This feature lets you add information in a prominent location under the title.


    The first step to adding a subtitle is to add the "subtitle" object.

    subtitle: { }

    At the minimum, you will need to add the "text" attribute to your "subtitle" object.

    subtitle: {
      text: 'My Subtitle'

    Subtitle Styling and Positioning

    Just as with the title object, many of the same styling and positioning attributes can be used with a subtitle.

    subtitle: {
      text: 'My Subtitle',
      color: '#7CA82B',
      fontStyle: 'italic',
      fontSize: 14

    To see all subtitle attributes, visit our JSON Syntax page.


    The source feature places a text label on a chart to indicate a data source. By default, the source will appear in the bottom right corner of a chart. It can be useful when showing charts that contain data from an external source.


    The first step to adding a source is to add the "source" object.

    source: { }

    At the minimum, you will need to add the "text" attribute to your "source" object.

    source: {
      text: 'Source: Department of Labor'

    Source Styling and Positioning

    Many of the same attributes are available to style and position the source object.

    source: {
      text: 'Source: Department of Labor',
      backgroundColor: '#C30',
      color: '#FFF',
      width: '150px',
      borderRadius: '4px'

    To see all source attributes, visit our JSON Syntax page.


    Titles, subtitles, and sources are very important aspects of a good chart. Titles and subtitles allow the user to quickly understand the purpose of a chart, while a source backs up your data. Don't forget, a comprehensive list of available attributes and objects can be found on our JSON configuration pages for title, subtitle, and source.