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<title>ZingSoft Demo</title>
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let electionResults = [{
'name': 'AL',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'AK',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'AZ',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'AR',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'CA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'CO',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'CT',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'DE',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'FL',
'winningVotes': 11,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'GA',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'HI',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'ID',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'IL',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'IN',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'IA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'KS',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'KY',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'LA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'ME',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MD',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MA',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MI',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MN',
'winningVotes': 6,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MS',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {}, {
'name': 'MO',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MT',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NE',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NV',
'winningVotes': 11,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NH',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NJ',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NM',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NY',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NC',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'ND',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'OH',
'winningVotes': 12,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'OK',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'OR',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'PA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'RI',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'SC',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'SD',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'TN',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'TX',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'UT',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'VT',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'VA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WA',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WV',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WI',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WY',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
let stateNames = {
'AL': 'Alabama',
'AK': 'Alaska',
'AS': 'American Samoa',
'AZ': 'Arizona',
'AR': 'Arkansas',
'CA': 'California',
'CO': 'Colorado',
'CT': 'Connecticut',
'DE': 'Delaware',
'DC': 'District Of Columbia',
'FM': 'Federated States Of Micronesia',
'FL': 'Florida',
'GA': 'Georgia',
'GU': 'Guam',
'HI': 'Hawaii',
'ID': 'Idaho',
'IL': 'Illinois',
'IN': 'Indiana',
'IA': 'Iowa',
'KS': 'Kansas',
'KY': 'Kentucky',
'LA': 'Louisiana',
'ME': 'Maine',
'MH': 'Marshall Islands',
'MD': 'Maryland',
'MA': 'Massachusetts',
'MI': 'Michigan',
'MN': 'Minnesota',
'MS': 'Mississippi',
'MO': 'Missouri',
'MT': 'Montana',
'NE': 'Nebraska',
'NV': 'Nevada',
'NH': 'New Hampshire',
'NJ': 'New Jersey',
'NM': 'New Mexico',
'NY': 'New York',
'NC': 'North Carolina',
'ND': 'North Dakota',
'MP': 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'OH': 'Ohio',
'OK': 'Oklahoma',
'OR': 'Oregon',
'PW': 'Palau',
'PA': 'Pennsylvania',
'PR': 'Puerto Rico',
'RI': 'Rhode Island',
'SC': 'South Carolina',
'SD': 'South Dakota',
'TN': 'Tennessee',
'TX': 'Texas',
'UT': 'Utah',
'VT': 'Vermont',
'VI': 'Virgin Islands',
'VA': 'Virginia',
'WA': 'Washington',
'WV': 'West Virginia',
'WI': 'Wisconsin',
'WY': 'Wyoming'
let colorGradient = ['#feebe2', '#fcc5c0', '#fa9fb5', '#f768a1', '#dd3497', '#ae017e', '#7a0177'];
function setResults() {
let stateResults = {};
electionResults.forEach(function(state) {
let stateName = state.name;
let colorIndex = state.winningVotes;
let styleObject = {
backgroundColor: colorGradient[colorIndex - 6],
group: colorIndex - 5,
label: {
fontSize: '14px'
tooltip: {
text: stateNames[stateName] + ' voted for the elected president in ' + Math.floor((state.winningVotes / state.totalVotes) * 100) + '% of the past 12 elections',
fontSize: '18px',
textAlign: 'left',
width: '200px',
wrapText: true
stateResults[stateName] = styleObject;
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text: 'Based off the past 12 elections (1960-2012)*',
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text: '* The 1960 presidential election was the first in which Hawaii and Alaska voted.',
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let electionResults = [
'name': 'AL',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'AK',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'AZ',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'AR',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'CA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'CO',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'CT',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'DE',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'FL',
'winningVotes': 11,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'GA',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'HI',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'ID',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'IL',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'IN',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'IA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'KS',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'KY',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'LA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'ME',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MD',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MA',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MI',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MN',
'winningVotes': 6,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MS',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {}, {
'name': 'MO',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'MT',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NE',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NV',
'winningVotes': 11,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NH',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NJ',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NM',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NY',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'NC',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'ND',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'OH',
'winningVotes': 12,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'OK',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'OR',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'PA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'RI',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'SC',
'winningVotes': 8,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'SD',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'TN',
'winningVotes': 10,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'TX',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'UT',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'VT',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'VA',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WA',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WV',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WI',
'winningVotes': 9,
'totalVotes': 12
}, {
'name': 'WY',
'winningVotes': 7,
'totalVotes': 12
let stateNames = {
'AL': 'Alabama',
'AK': 'Alaska',
'AS': 'American Samoa',
'AZ': 'Arizona',
'AR': 'Arkansas',
'CA': 'California',
'CO': 'Colorado',
'CT': 'Connecticut',
'DE': 'Delaware',
'DC': 'District Of Columbia',
'FM': 'Federated States Of Micronesia',
'FL': 'Florida',
'GA': 'Georgia',
'GU': 'Guam',
'HI': 'Hawaii',
'ID': 'Idaho',
'IL': 'Illinois',
'IN': 'Indiana',
'IA': 'Iowa',
'KS': 'Kansas',
'KY': 'Kentucky',
'LA': 'Louisiana',
'ME': 'Maine',
'MH': 'Marshall Islands',
'MD': 'Maryland',
'MA': 'Massachusetts',
'MI': 'Michigan',
'MN': 'Minnesota',
'MS': 'Mississippi',
'MO': 'Missouri',
'MT': 'Montana',
'NE': 'Nebraska',
'NV': 'Nevada',
'NH': 'New Hampshire',
'NJ': 'New Jersey',
'NM': 'New Mexico',
'NY': 'New York',
'NC': 'North Carolina',
'ND': 'North Dakota',
'MP': 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'OH': 'Ohio',
'OK': 'Oklahoma',
'OR': 'Oregon',
'PW': 'Palau',
'PA': 'Pennsylvania',
'PR': 'Puerto Rico',
'RI': 'Rhode Island',
'SC': 'South Carolina',
'SD': 'South Dakota',
'TN': 'Tennessee',
'TX': 'Texas',
'UT': 'Utah',
'VT': 'Vermont',
'VI': 'Virgin Islands',
'VA': 'Virginia',
'WA': 'Washington',
'WV': 'West Virginia',
'WI': 'Wisconsin',
'WY': 'Wyoming'
let colorGradient = ['#feebe2', '#fcc5c0', '#fa9fb5', '#f768a1', '#dd3497', '#ae017e', '#7a0177'];
function setResults() {
let stateResults = {};
electionResults.forEach(function (state) {
let stateName = state.name;
let colorIndex = state.winningVotes;
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label: {
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tooltip: {
text: stateNames[stateName] + ' voted for the elected president in ' + Math.floor((state.winningVotes / state.totalVotes) * 100) + '% of the past 12 elections',
fontSize: '18px',
textAlign: 'left',
width: '200px',
wrapText: true
stateResults[stateName] = styleObject;
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text: 'Based off the past 12 elections (1960-2012)*',
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text: '* The 1960 presidential election was the first in which Hawaii and Alaska voted.',
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