ZingChart Annual Website License

Updated January 7, 2020

Grant of License

The ZingChart annual Website license is for use on a single domain. The website which lives on this domain should be publicly accessible. This means when a user comes to the website, there should be no requirement to log in to access the site or any of its charts.

If users are required to log in to view charts or to access the website, you should consider either Internal licensing or SaaS licensing, depending on the type of users you have for your app.

Annual Website licenses can not be used for product development. If you are developing a product and need a solution during your evaluation, please contact sales@zingchart.com.

The License File

The annual Website license includes licensing for a single production domain (www.domain.com). Additionally, we will provide a license for a single subdomain for development and testing:


If you need additional subdomains, please contact sales@zingchart.com with:

  • Details about your application
  • The domain you need licensed
  • Information related to the additional subdomain(s) you need

The domain registered with the annual Website license can be changed a single time. If you foresee a need to change the domain associated to this license, please contact: sales@zingchart.com.

Included Support

The purchase of an annual Website license includes basic chat support. For Premium chat support and to have your issues prioritized by our team, see our support section for details about paid support packages and options

Versions & Upgrades

The purchase of an annual Website license provides access to the current major version of ZingChart. Currently, ZingChart is releasing 2.x.x builds. You will be provided access to the most recent build of ZingChart as long as your annual fee is paid.

When ZingChart, Inc. releases version 3.x.x of ZingChart, you will be provided access to the newest major version at no cost as long as your annual licensing fees are paid. Please note: you are required to make your annual Website licensing payment each year you include ZingChart in your app. The fee applies no matter which version of the library you choose to use.

If you are considering ZingChart for your Website but do not want to be required to pay an annual fee, you should consider the perpetual Website license.

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